Friday, June 17, 2016

How to open MAC file with .pages extension in Windows

Files with .pages extensions are MAC word files similar to MS Word. When we receive such file in our mailbox but our OS is Windows there is a easy way to open and see the file following the next steps.
- save the file
- rename it as changing the extension from .pages to .zip or .rar
- open it
There you will see some folders and files. The file that you need is called preview. The extension of preview file could be .jpg or .pdf

Review following screenshots for better understanding.


Monday, November 9, 2015

How to browse Windows shared folders on Mac OS X

1. Go to Finder

2. Click on Go on the top of the changing menu.

3. Select Connect to Server.

4. Enter server address and click on Connect.

5.  Authenticate with Windows username and password.

6. Select the shared folder from the list that you would like to reach.

7. You are in.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Google Account permissions review

Some of the applications that we install ask us about permissions to access our Google Account. We granted them as part of the installation process or in first use because we need this app. Isn't it good to check what part of our account they have access, to check the given permissions and change them or just to remember. So there is a way. If you would like to know how, please, keep reading.

Go to or simply type in Google Search - "my account settings" - pick the first result which is probably: Sign in - Google Accounts

If you are not logged in your account it will ask you to do it.
If you use more than one accounts - you need to choose which one you would like to check.

Scroll down to Connected apps and services section and click on Account Permissions.

You will see list of all Apps that you granted permissions. By clicking on every of them you will review the permissions in the left. If you would like you can revoke that access.

Hope this article was helpful.
If you have questions or would like to say something, please use the comments bellow.

Until next time :)